How high can a Colorbond fence be?
There are four standard heights of the colorbond fence panels. Learn how much more you can raise your fence without asking for permit. Read more.

Your colorbond fence panels are usually manufactured in four standard heights: 1.2 m, 1.5 m, 1.8 m and 2.1 m. This is just the height of the panels, and it doesn’t include any additions to the construction at all.
Therefore, it is quite easy to make your colorbond fence higher by adding elements to the bottom or to the top or simply raising it a bit from the ground.
The top additions – In most cases, these are different styles of decorative lattice. It can block the view into your property but also add an interesting look to your fence. For example, a lattice in contrasting colorbond colour to one of the panels will definitely add some visual dynamic to your fence. If the posts are of the same colour, the entire fence will look great.
The bottom additions – Many people use treated pine timber sleepers as the bottom of their colorbond fences. Their main purpose is generally to retain soil. However, if the colours and the texture are combined well, they can be a lovely addition to the colorbond fencing you install.
Not all colorbond fence panels can be upgraded with lattice. You need to consult the expert before choosing the material for your colorbond fencing, especially if you are planning on such additions. Find the best colorbond fence installer for your project. Ask for quotes from Australian installers.
What Is the Maximum Height of a Fence Without Planning Permission?
You can install a colorbond fence that is up to 2.3 m without permission. That is measured from the natural ground level. If you are in an industrial zone, your mesh fence can be even 2.7 m high.
Just because you don’t need a building permit for it doesn’t mean that you can install just any sort of fence on your own and choose from a variety of materials, colours and styles. This decision should be made in agreement with your neighbour, but even more importantly, in agreement with the rules and restrictions that are in power.
What Kind of Fencing Doesn’t Need Building Approval?
The ACT Government Information Portal suggests the cases in which you can and cannot build your colorbond fence without approval. They also list the rules and restrictions and Fences or Freestanding Walls that are also important for your type of fencing.
According to this document, here are the rules for building walls and installing fences in case you don’t want to ask for approval and a permit:
- Fencing or freestanding walls that are less than 2.3 m above the natural ground level or less than 2.7 m in industrial zones.
- Supporting posts that are less than 2.5 m above the natural ground level.
- Parts of fencing should be between the front boundary and the building
- Fencing cannot direct surface water to other properties
- Fencing cannot contribute to the forming of pounds
Building (General) Regulation 2008, Schedule 1 is the document that explains the cases in which you don’t need the permit for the colorbond fencing if:
- It is not a part of a swimming pool surrounding
- It is less than 1.8 m high
- It is less than 2 m high if it is not part of a roofer structure, and no masonry is more than 1.8 m
- It is less than 3 m if the masonry is under 1.8 m and it matches the exempt building code.
How to Lodge a Development Application?
There will be times when you want to make the colorbond fence that doesn’t fit the criteria described above. This means that you will have to lodge a development application and get the permit. Also, you need to keep in mind that you will need to discuss all such actions with your neighbour.
According to The Common Boundaries Act 1981, you need to agree with your neighbour about all the topics in relation to your shared fence. This includes the replacement or repair. More precisely, the choice of the fence and the financial arrangements. In case it is impossible to come to an agreement, the first go-to institution is Conflict Resolution Service. After that, the next step is the Small Claims Court.
Once you are ready to lodge a development application, you should fill it out with all the relevant data. This means you should calculate the costs and all the other details about your project.
After a period of assessment, your application can be accepted in full, refused in full, or some parts of it may be accepted while others are not accepted. It is also possible to complain about the decision.
What Are Special Requirements for Metal Fences in Australia?
Obviously, your colorbond fencing is not the same as a wood fence. There are some properties of different metal fences that require closer regulation. That is why Australian authorities have special requirements for metal fences.
Since your colorbond fencing is made out of colorbond steel, your colorbond fence doesn’t require a permit if:
- It falls under all the criteria mentioned above
- It is made of un-perforated metal with a pre-coloured finish
- It has been installed following the manufacturer’s instructions
- It doesn’t have sharp edges, or if those are properly capped
- The fence sides are uniform in their material, texture and visible elements
- The colour matches the Colour Standards for General Purposes
- The general appearance of the fence is uniform for all parts visible to the same block of the open space boundary
While you should take all these regulations into consideration, you will be happy to know that most of them have already been considered by the manufacturers during the production of the colorbond fencing. Also, hiring a good colorbond fence installer will make the entire process much easier. Get quotes from local colorbond fence installation experts and save your money on this project.