How to Remove Spray Paint from Any Surface
Did your paint job leave stains all over your house? Here are a few tricks you can use to get rid of the stains completely.

There are a few steps that you can take to remove paint from any surface. To remove spray paint from your skin, rub the area with oil and then wash it. To remove spray paint from fabric, rub the fabric using an alcohol-based product. To remove paint from surfaces such as walls, apply stripping gel to the affected area. You can remove paint from car surfaces using an exterior cleaner such as carnauba wax.
While it may sound easy, removing paint splatter from surfaces may require professional expertise. You can get the job done by a qualified and reliable tradesman from This is a reliable database where you can get local painters who are ready to provide you with top-notch painting services. What’s more; getting quotes from them is just a few clicks away. Try them today!
Removing Spray Paint from the Skin

Image source: Pixabay by offthelefteye
Use vegetable oil or baby oil – Soak some cotton wool in the vegetable oil and then use the wool to dab the area of the skin with paint splatter. Alternatively, you can use cooking spray to remove the paint from the skin.
Rub the paint off your skin – If you have spray painted your skin and cannot wash off the paint in the sink; you can use a washcloth to scrub the paint off the skin. Do not rub the scan so vigorously as to hurt yourself.
Wash your skin with hand soap – After you have thinned out the spray paint from your skin, Use the hand soap to clean and rinse off any residue paint on the skin. If your hands are still oily, you can wash them using the hand soap twice.
Use a pumice soap for pesky patches – If washing the skin using soap was not successful; you can use pumice liquid or bar soap to remove the paint. Be careful because some people have sensitive skin that has a negative reaction to pumice liquid. The pumice soap is usually used to get rid of grease from car surfaces. The pumice bars are used to clean the feet after a paint job. You can get these products from your local convenient store.
Removing Spray Stains From a Fabric
Flush the excess wet paint – You will have an easy job of removing spray paint from fabric if you can get rid of it when the paint is still wet. Put the fabric under running water and flush as much wet paint as you can. Hold the fabric under the running water until the water starts to run clear. If you are removing the paint on the carpet or upholstery, use damp cloth or towel to block the affected area until it is clean.
Use the hairspray – The hairspray contains alcohol that can be used to break the bonds in the paint to remove the stain from the fabric. Other alcohol-based products such as nail polish remover can be used to remove the stain from the fabric. You can test the efficacy of the hairspray by trying to remove the stain on a separate fabric other than the one that you need to clean.
Use a dry cloth to rub the stain – After you have blotted the stained area using an alcohol-based cleaner, use a dry cloth to rub the stain until you can start to see the pigmentation transfer to your dry cloth. Spray the area using the alcohol-based cleaner until you see the same clearing.
Use the cool setting of the washing machine – If you want to clean the stain from fabric that can be washed using a washing machine, check its label to ensure that it is safe for machine washing. You can then set the pre-wash stain remover on the machine and then wash the fabric using the machines cool setting. The reason to set the cool setting on the machine is that hot water can spread the stain on the fabric. If the stain remains after machine washing; repeat the process by spraying, rubbing, and washing.
Removing Spray Paint from Masonry Surfaces
Use paint stripping gel – To remove paint on stone walls, buy solvent gels that are marked “paint and varnish stripper”. Before you start using the solvent gel, wear protective gloves, and then use a paintbrush to apply a thick layer of the gel on the surface that you want to remove paint from. Before you apply the gel to the entire area that you want to remove paint from, be sure to test the stripper on an inconspicuous area.
Use plastic wrap to cover the area you’ve applied the gel – Make sure you cover the entire area that you have applied gel using a plastic wrap.
Remove the gel by pressure washing the area – Give the gel a few hours to dry and then when the surface starts to wrinkle, you can remove the plastic wrap. Pressure washes the area with cold water at the setting of 300psi. You should put the nozzle about 2.5 feet away from the surface. Clean the area from the bottom up to prevent the pigment drip from staining the surface again.
Make sure you wear protective clothing when pressure washing the wall. The protective garments include gloves goggles and plastic suits.
Apply masonry cleaner – After pressure washing a surface, the stripper may leave Residue shadow on the porous surfaces on stone walls. Apply the masonry cleaner after diluting it in six parts of water 1 part of the masonry cleaner. Apply the solution and let it sit still for 2 minutes before you can pressure wash the surface again.
Removing Spray Paint from Cars’ Surface

Image source: Pixabay by Life-Of-Pix
Use the automotive detail cleaner – The automotive detailer cleaner is the least aggressive of ways to remove spray paint from the car’s surface. Spray the cleaner on the affected area and use a cloth to rub vigorously.
Use the carnauba wax – Pour the wax on the affected area and then use a sponge to rub in circular motions. If there are stubborn stains that need extra wax, reapply the wax and repeat the process.
Use a microfibre towel to buff out the wax – Use a towel to wipe out the waxed surface in circular motions. If you support areas that still have stains, repeat the process until the surface is spotless.
Use a rubbing compound – If you’re not successful using the wax, try a rubbing compound. Use a cloth to rub the area lightly, and then you can wax and buff the affected area until it is free of the stain.