General Hare or Tortoise?

We know our site works – but just how quickly do our customers get quotes? Is it a slow-burn process where quotes gradually trickle in, or are our businesses fast off the blocks…? The results are in and 66% of customers get quotes within 1 hour or less! Proving that sometimes the hare can maintain the […]


Please note that the information in this article was based on trends from 2012 and may now be outdated. 

We know our site works – but just how quickly do our customers get quotes? Is it a slow-burn process where quotes gradually trickle in or are our businesses fast off the blocks…? 

The results are in, and 66% of customers get quotes within 1 hour or less! Proving that sometimes, the hare can maintain the speed and triumph!

In October, we started surveying our customers, asking how much time they were looking for businesses before they made a decision to hire. The results show that using saves people time compared to other methods.

Of those who only use to get quotes from local businesses, 66% spend less than 1 hour to get quotes and choose a business, while only 5% spend more than 4 hours.

Most customers (about 80%) use more than one method to get quotes, and our survey suggests that if you use traditional methods – like local papers or a business – it’s likely to add hours of time to your search.

The local paper will add the most time to your search. Only 22% of customers who used a local paper as well as to find local businesses reported spending less than 1 hour. 28% spend more than 4 hours.

28% of customers who looked in the Yellow Pages as well as, reported taking less than 1 hour, with 34% taking more than 4 hours.

If you choose a more modern approach, you can get a faster result. 40% of those used a search engine like Google as well as to find businesses that spent less than 1 hour in their search. An improvement on leafing through the local paper or Yellow Pages, but still a long way off the fast response from alone. Yay to the hare!

Source: Customer Exit Survey, Oct 2012 n=588


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