Getting a website developed should be a great time for your company, so here are a few key points and tips on how to make the most out of leaping into the online arena.
Some of the most frequently asked questions we get at alta|image from small businesses looking to get online is “Why, how and how much?”
If you’ve not had a website before, it can be a daunting task coupled with a lot of technical jargon ranging from ‘Best practice SEO’ to ‘Organic ranking’ and ‘CMS-based systems.’
Any good web design and development company should be able to explain any of these terms in plain English so that you can get the most from your business.
So, first up.
Well, simply put, if you’re not online, you’ve shut the door on the online community finding your business. Potential clients are more likely to look for your business through Service Seeking or a True Local search, as opposed to digging out their dusty old Yellow Pages. That’s a whole audience of potential customers and clients you aren’t reaching.
You’re also missing out on some of the greatest most accessible advertising, 24/7 online – selling every day of the year to users all around the world. With more and more people shopping online daily and seeking services online, this is not an opportunity you want to miss out on.
Simple in reality – the ability to get online has never been easier. Most reputable web design and development companies will be only too happy to help guide you through the process of getting your business up online. Basically, there are three core components that will be worked through.
1) Administration
Hosting– This is where your site lives on the internet and is renewable yearly.
Domain name– What your site will be called.
Email accounts– Get some professional email accounts linked up.
2) Design
Usually, websites will be designed much like any printed project – you’ll be offered some design concepts from any artwork or guidance you supply and revised to suit. You’ll work with the web designer to make sure that when the site gets built, it looks just right. This usually consists of a main entry page – commonly referred to as the ‘Homepage’ and then an ‘Inner page’ within which you can add all your content, images and contact forms.
3) Build and Launch
Once the site design is approved, it gets built, and this is when all the technical magic happens. In the end, we’re left with a site that is designed to your specifications to best suit your audience. It also comes with a content management system so you can make edits and changes as you need to, just like writing a Word document – only online from anywhere in the world!
How Much?
The question on everyone’s mind (and while it can vary wildly from one company to another) is whether a basic start-up site with hosting, domain name, and email accounts with a content management system can come in under the $800 mark. And that should leave plenty of change left over to promote yourself online.
Shop around, compare packages and make sure you’re comparing like-for-like services. Ask for a development proposal; what’s included?
The rule of thumb with any website is that the more integration (extras) your site needs, the higher the price point. Think of building a website similar to building a house – the more rooms you add to the floor plan, the higher the cost.
Most importantly, talk to the web design company you’re choosing to ensure a good fit. They should be able to explain technical jargon with ease and help you make the most out of what should become one of the most important marketing tools you have.
Get quotes for your business website.
About Author Scott Swinton
Constantly striving to maintain a competitive edge in one of the fastest emerging and ever-changing marketplaces, alta|image keeps itself and its team members ahead of the game by constantly innovating and upskilling where required from new web design practices and development changes to SEO and online marketing campaigns, and even back to the more conventional changes happening within the print design arena.
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