Marketing for Tradies

Marketing for Tradies: Getting Referrals from Existing Clients

Getting referrals from existing clients is a powerful strategy for tradies looking to grow their business. Here's how you can get started.


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In the competitive world of trades, securing new clients can often be a challenging task. However, one of the most effective ways to grow your business is through referrals from existing clients.

Referrals not only bring in new customers but also come with a level of trust and credibility that can be hard to achieve through other marketing methods.

Here's a comprehensive guide to help you get more referrals from your satisfied clients.

Want to learn more about winning more clients? Don't miss our complete guide to marketing for tradies!

Satisfaction Surveys

The first step to securing referrals is ensuring that your clients are genuinely satisfied with your work. Conducting satisfaction surveys is an excellent way to gauge this. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Create a Simple Survey: Develop a straightforward survey that clients can complete quickly. Include questions about the quality of your work, punctuality, professionalism, and overall satisfaction.
  2. Timing is Key: Send the survey soon after the completion of a job. This ensures that the experience is still fresh in the client’s mind.
  3. Online Tools: Use online tools like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey to make it easy for clients to provide their feedback. These tools also help you to compile and analyse the results efficiently.
  4. Incentives: Offer a small incentive, such as a discount on future services or entry into a draw for a prize, to encourage clients to complete the survey.



(Image Source: Deposit Photos)

Feedback is a crucial component of improving your services and building strong relationships with your clients. It also plays a pivotal role in obtaining referrals. Here’s how to effectively gather and use feedback:

  • Request Honest Feedback: Encourage your clients to be honest about their experience. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement.
  • Act on Feedback: Show that you value your clients’ opinions by taking action based on their suggestions. If a client sees that their feedback has led to tangible changes, they’ll be more likely to refer you to others.
  • Thank Your Clients: Always thank clients for their feedback, regardless of whether it’s positive or negative. This demonstrates professionalism and appreciation.
  • Share Positive Feedback: With permission, share positive testimonials on your website and social media. This not only boosts your credibility but also shows potential clients that others trust and value your services.

Follow-Up Appointments

Maintaining an ongoing relationship with your clients can significantly increase the likelihood of getting referrals. Follow-up appointments are an excellent way to keep the connection alive.

  • Schedule Regular Check-Ins: Depending on the nature of your trade, schedule follow-up appointments to check on the work you’ve completed. For instance, if you’re a plumber, a yearly check-up on plumbing systems can be beneficial.
  • Show You Care: Follow-up appointments show your clients that you care about the longevity and quality of your work. This can leave a lasting impression and encourage them to recommend your services to others.
  • Discuss Future Needs: Use follow-up appointments as an opportunity to discuss any future projects your clients might have in mind. This not only helps you secure more work but also keeps you at the top of their mind for referrals.

How to Maximise

Our platform is proud to connect tradies with potential clients. Here are some specific tips to leverage this platform for getting referrals:

Create a Comprehensive Profile

Ensure your profile is detailed and professional. Include a clear description of your services, a portfolio of past work, and client testimonials.

Encourage Online Reviews

Ask satisfied clients to leave positive reviews on your ServiceSeeking profile. High ratings and positive feedback can significantly boost your credibility.

Respond Promptly

Be quick to respond to inquiries and job requests. Prompt communication demonstrates reliability and can lead to higher client satisfaction and more referrals.

The Bottom Line

Getting referrals from existing clients is a powerful strategy for tradies looking to grow their business. By conducting satisfaction surveys, actively seeking and acting on feedback, maintaining regular follow-up appointments, and leveraging platforms like ours, you can build strong relationships with your clients and encourage them to refer your services to others.

Remember, the key to obtaining referrals lies in delivering exceptional service and maintaining open, honest communication with your clients.


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