Marketing for Tradies

Marketing for Tradies: Setting and Following Deadlines

Setting, agreeing on, and following deadlines can make or break your tradie business. Here's everything you need to know about deadlines.


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In the competitive world of trades, where reliability and reputation are everything, setting and following deadlines can make or break your business.

As a tradie, whether you're a carpenter, electrician, plumber, or painter, your ability to deliver on time is critical to building trust with clients and securing repeat business.

Let’s delve into why deadlines are so important and how you can manage them effectively.

The Importance of Deadlines

  • Building Trust: Clients expect their tradie to be reliable. When you set and meet deadlines, you demonstrate professionalism and reliability, essential traits for building trust. Clients are more likely to recommend a tradie who honours their word, leading to positive word-of-mouth referrals.
  • Efficient Scheduling: Deadlines help in managing multiple projects efficiently. By setting realistic timelines, you can organise your schedule better, ensuring that you allocate the right amount of time to each job without overcommitting.
  • Financial Management: Meeting deadlines means you can complete more jobs over time, directly impacting your income. Delays often result in additional costs, either in materials, labour, or lost opportunities. Efficiently meeting deadlines ensures you maintain a steady cash flow.
  • Competitive Edge: In a market where clients have numerous options, being known for your punctuality can give you an edge over competitors. Many clients are willing to pay a premium for tradies who are known to deliver on time.

Agreeing with the Client and Negotiating Professionally


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There may come a time when you might disagree with a client about the deadline. Here are some tips to navigate potential disagreements:

Listen Actively

Start by listening to your client's needs and expectations. Understand their vision for the project and what they consider to be a realistic deadline. Active listening shows respect and helps you gather all the necessary details to make informed decisions.

Offer Professional Insights

As the expert, you may identify aspects of the project that the client hasn't considered. Provide your professional insights on what is feasible within the given timeframe and explain any potential challenges. This helps set realistic expectations and demonstrates your expertise.

Be Transparent

If you foresee any issues with the proposed deadline, communicate them honestly. Explain why certain tasks may take longer and the importance of allowing adequate time to ensure quality work. Transparency builds trust and shows that you have the client's best interests in mind.

Propose Alternatives

If the client's deadline isn't feasible, suggest alternative timelines that could work. Offer options that balance the client's needs with the reality of the project's scope and your availability. Providing multiple options can make negotiations smoother and help find a middle ground.

Stay Respectful and Professional

Negotiations can sometimes be challenging, but maintaining a respectful and professional attitude is crucial. Acknowledge the client's concerns and remain calm and polite throughout the discussion. This approach helps in reaching a mutually satisfactory agreement.

Document Agreements

Once a deadline is agreed upon, document it in writing. Include it in the contract or project agreement, detailing the timeline and any milestones. Clear documentation helps prevent misunderstandings and provides a reference point for both parties.

By agreeing with the client and negotiating professionally and respectfully, you can establish a positive working relationship, ensure clear communication, and set the stage for a successful project.

Setting Realistic Deadlines

Assess the Scope of Work

Before committing to a deadline, thoroughly assess the scope of work. Break down the project into smaller tasks and estimate the time required for each. Consider any potential delays, such as bad weather or supply issues, and factor them into your timeline.

Communicate Clearly with Clients

Discuss the project timeline with your clients from the outset. Make sure they understand what is involved and what to expect at each stage. Clear communication prevents misunderstandings and helps manage client expectations.

Prioritise Tasks

Identify the critical tasks that must be completed first and focus on them. Prioritising ensures that the most important aspects of the project are handled promptly, reducing the risk of delays.

Use Project Management Tools

Consider using project management tools or apps to help you keep track of deadlines and progress. Tools like Trello, Asana, or even a simple calendar can be incredibly effective in managing your schedule.

Following Deadlines


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Monitor Progress Regularly

Regularly check the progress of your projects against the deadlines you’ve set. This helps you stay on track and identify any potential issues early on, allowing you to address them before they become major problems.

Maintain Flexibility

Despite the best planning, unexpected issues can arise. Stay flexible and be prepared to adjust your schedule if necessary. Keeping a buffer time for each project can help accommodate any unforeseen delays.

Communicate Changes Promptly

If there are changes to the timeline, inform your clients as soon as possible. Transparency is key to maintaining trust. Clients appreciate being kept in the loop and are more likely to be understanding if you communicate openly.

Focus on Quality

While it’s important to meet deadlines, never compromise on the quality of your work. Delivering high-quality work on time will enhance your reputation and lead to more business in the long run.

Deadline Tips on

Our platform welcomes tradies to find work and build their business. Here are some tips for setting and following deadlines on this platform:

  • Detailed Listings: When creating a listing, be as detailed as possible about how long a job usually lasts. This will set clear expectations from the start and attract clients who are serious about getting the job done.
  • Regular Updates: Use the platform’s messaging system to update your clients. Regular updates about the project's progress can alleviate client concerns and build trust.
  • Reviews and Ratings: Meeting deadlines consistently can lead to positive reviews and higher ratings. Potential clients often look at reviews before hiring, so maintaining a good record can increase your chances of getting more jobs.


In conclusion, setting and following deadlines is not just about keeping time; it’s about building a reliable reputation, managing your business efficiently, and ensuring financial stability.

By incorporating these practices, you’ll not only meet client expectations but also pave the way for a successful and reputable trade business.


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