Success Stories

Learn the secrets behind our platform's thriving businesses with insightful success tales and strategies.
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No more $0 quotes

We want to increase your chance of winning work, so we no longer allow $0 or $1 quotes. Here’s why: Real prices increase win rates by 20% We’ve...

General Hare or Tortoise?

We know our site works – but just how quickly do our customers get quotes? Is it a slow-burn process where quotes gradually trickle in, or are our...


One quote is not enough!

Survey: 80% of consumers use more than 1 method to find a business. When looking for local businesses most consumers use many methods to get quotes....


Why Tradies make the most money quoting online

We recently reported that Building and Trades businesses make $25.69 in income per dollar spent on membership with This was...


We’re better than your local paper

More people visit our site than read the local paper, which means more eyes on your business! Did you know? Every week, we have over 100,000 visitors...


Business dos & don’ts

Here are some ways to standout from the pack. If I was a business on our site, I’d be following this customer’s recommendations to a tee! We recently...