Meet Tyrone.
Working in the industry for over 20 years, it’s fair to say Tyrone knows his stuff when it comes to plumbing. With a dad who was also a plumber, it didn’t take long to work with other companies for Tyrone to gain the experience and connections to embark on his own. TV Plumbing was established nine years ago, and while the business has grown over time, today, Tyrone still operates as a one-man show.

“It escalated to about ten guys at one point, but I deliberately chose to scale back. It was a lifestyle choice.”
Being heavily dyslexic throughout school, Tyrone knew he was never destined to sit down at a desk all day. Experiencing nature’s elements comes hand in hand with working on the field, but Tyrone says he’d much prefer a bit of rain than sitting in the artificial light and air of an office.
“For a guy like me, that would be torture.”

TV Plumbing offers all your domestic plumbing needs, including gas fitting, maintenance and drainage. For Tyrone, his secret to continued success in the industry is simple.
“Just try to be fair. That’s my philosophy for work and life. I’m not interested in ripping people off,” he says.
Being in the plumbing business for so long, Tyrone has definitely seen the good, the bad and the ugly. But even after all these years, he says people still continue to surprise him.
“I had a job in Coogee just recently where the sewer was blocked. I ended up pulling out a sleeping bag someone had shoved down the toilet! All my most memorable jobs are always the really disgusting ones!”
Even with an established business under his, Tyrone still leans on Service Seeking when work is less busy.
“My favourite thing about Service Seeking is its flexibility and convenience. Everything is still on my terms.”