Cubby houses have come a long way since the days of pillow forts! Many posh kiddies around the globe are enjoying designer playhouses, some costing as much as $230,000! While it is unlikely you have that kind of budget for your children’s next birthday present, perhaps these designer baby pads will get your creative juices flowing for a cheaper DIY project! Here are some of our favourites.
1. Pop-art playhouse

2. Pirate ship playground

3. Minimalist cubby

4. Winter wonderland

5. Garden tent for one

6. A kiddy barnyard

7. A cubby mum won’t mind hanging out in!

8. A girly dream home

9. A touch of luxury

10. For siblings who struggle to share

Which cubby house tickled your fancy? Would you spend big on a playhouse for your kids? Let us know below!