Industry Insights

10 ways to get rid of household pests naturally

Written by Staff Writer | Jun 17, 2013 2:09:55 AM

According to recent studies, pesticides and insecticides pose a health risk to people. Why use chemicals? You can achieve the same or even better results by using herbal, fruity, or soap-laden solutions for pest control.

1. Shoo flies with basil. If you hate flies, then you’re going to love basil. Flies are repulsed by basil. To keep them at bay, just plant it next to doors. You can also place pots of basil on windowsills and on the kitchen counter. If you don’t have the time to plant, just use dried basil, put it in a sachet, and you’re good to go.

2. Chase off spiders with citrus fruits. Spiders avoid anything citrusy. You can ward off spiders in your backyard by spreading around lemon, orange, or lime peels. In a squirt bottle, combine water and unsweetened orange or lemon juice. Wipe your countertops with the mixture or spray down doorways and windowsills.

3. Sidetrack ants with vinegar. What you need: A cup of vinegar, a cup of water, a sponge or rag, evil laugh (optional) Just use it to wipe down countertops and other surfaces where you’ve spotted ants. Repeat this several times a day. This destroys the scent paths that ants use to navigate.

4. Deter wasps with a fake nest. Stop wasps from moving in. A fake wasp nest is quite effective because wasps are fiercely territorial. They won’t build a nest too close to another established nest. Hang some in your front or backyard.

5. Catnip repels mosquitoes. According to Science Daily, catnip repels mosquitoes ten times more effectively than DEET.* It’s still a mystery why, but who cares as long as it works? Apply catnip oil to your skin for two hours of protection. Plant it near where mosquitoes are likely to enter.

6. Salt: Flea killer. Fleas don’t just bite pets; they go for humans, too. Salt and vacuum your carpets to kill the flea eggs. This is tried and tested: Salt every day for nine days and vacuum every third day. Just don’t forget to clean your vacuum every time you use it. Otherwise, the fleas will just hop right out.

7. Control dust mites with cinnamon oil. Cinnamon bark oil can control dust mites. All you need to do is spray a mixture of 50/50 water, denatured alcohol and a few drops of oil on your bedding, carpets and any other dusty places.

8. Get rid of fruit flies instantly. Fill a glass with vinegar or cider vinegar, then add a couple of drops Fairy or any other dish-washing liquid, and fill to the top with warm water. Low-cost yet very effective.

9. Wash the cockroaches away. For this, you need a light solution of soap and water. Just splash, spray or throw this on the cockroach. It will run or try to escape but will suddenly stop and die or be almost dead instantly. Make sure to throw it away immediately.

10. Turn off rodents using peppermint. Hate rodents? Just soak cotton balls in peppermint oil. Put those in areas where you see droppings or evidence of rodent activity, as well as in areas where the rats and mice might enter your home.

If these natural methods don’t work out, then you can try hiring an exterminator – get quotes now!
