15 wonderfully weird ideas for a unique home
If you're thinking of renovating your home to give it that extra oomph, check out this list of 15 cool home additions. Some are drool worthy, some are definitely budget busting, some are quite clever, some are not very practical, while some are just plain odd.

All homeowners want that certain something that will make their abode stand out from the rest – such as fancy gadgets, unique furniture, or maybe eccentric architectural design. If you’re thinking of renovating your home to give it that extra oomph, check out this list of 15 cool home additions. Some are drool-worthy; some are definitely budget-busting, some are quite clever, some are not very practical, and others are just plain odd. Enjoy!
Living Room
1. Heat up your home with a sleek glass fireplace.

Credits: gamil.com/2008/01/30/glass-fireplaces-by-bloch-design
2. Don’t settle for an outdoor pool. Go for a swim around your house with these amazing pool designs!

Credits: archimags.com/living-room-swimming-pool-designs.html
3. Bring nature into your living room with these life-size tree decorations.

Credits: luxuryhousingtrends.com/archive/2008/01/because-youve-a | homeklondike.com/2012/03/26/corallo-residence-with-tree-running-through-the-living-room/1-corallo-residence-with-tree-running-through-the-living-room | atticmag.com/2012/10/spooktacular-design
4. Walking outside to take a dip in the pool is boring. Slide down straight from your bedroom to your swimming pool instead!

Credits: nation.towergaming.com/2010/05/underground-mansion-in-cheshire-has-bedroom-to-pool-waterslide
5. Dreaming of sleeping under the “stars” every single night? This fibre-optic star ceiling can make your dreams come true!

Credits: wiedamark.com/StarCeilingPanels.aspx
6. These hammock/hanging/floating beds can make you feel like you’re always on a tropical vacation.

Credits: floatingbed.com/products/indoor-beds
7. Infinity pools are so yesterday. Why not get an infinity tub instead? It’s probably not the most water efficient, though.

Credits: toxel.com/inspiration/2010/03/12/14-stylish-bathtubs-for-your-bathroom | phgmag.com/garden/200805/the-latest-in-bathtubs/ | trendir.com/archives/000482.html
8. Showering will never be boring if you have these LED disco shower heads!

Credits: trendir.com/archives/002269.html | technabob.com/blog/2009/05/24/rio-led-rgb-shower-head-disco
9. Are you a fan of the Transformers? Perhaps you’d like this futuristic Tulip shower and bath combo.

Credits: yankodesign.com/2011/01/11/rub-a-dub-dub-futuristic-tub
Kitchen and Dining
10. No one is ever too old for this swingset dining table. Get one for your home to make mealtime 100% more fun!

Credits: www.apartmenttherapy.com/sway-your-guests-with-the-swing-table-by-duffy-london-176962
11. Tired of taking back-and-forth trips from the pantry to the kitchen counter? Always lacking counter space? Solve your woes with this expanding accordion kitchen table.

Credits: thekitchendahab.com/a-complete-review-of-foldable-kitchen-table.html/accordion-modular-folding-kitchen-table#.Ud4ABY7FsUQ
12. This is the ultimate space-saving kitchen gadget! Have your microwave, fridge, sink, stove, and kitchen storage in one convenient, rotating location with this unique kitchen cabinet.

Credits: cabinetsforkitchen.blogspot.com/2011/05/unique-and-unusual-shaped-kitchen.html
13. Need some new lights and planters for your deck or patio? Get these light-up planters and hit two birds with one stone!

Credits: illuminatedplanters.com | www.coolthings.com/assisi-led-planter
14. Want a cool way to protect your precious vehicle? Get a stealthy pop-up garage!

Credits: trendhunter.com/trends/stealthy-car-spaces-sales-soaring-on-pop-up-garages-that-sink-into-your-dri
15. Always find yourself fancying a drink while at the pool. Make your life easier by having a bar right in your pool.

Credits: designarthouse.com/exterior/swimming-pool-bar-design | luxuryhousingtrends.com/archive/2007/07/luxury-swimming