Industry Insights

24 Logo Ideas for Tradies and Other Small Businesses -

Written by Jeremy Levitt | Sep 20, 2018 3:03:03 PM

If you’re a tradie or any type of small business then a professional logo design is important. A good logo can help you: win work, give your customers confidence and help your customers remember you for next time.

Below are 24 example logos for small businesses, service providers and tradies – from electricians and plumbers to builders and handymen.

House Logos

House logos are great logos that can work well for a variety of businesses including: handyman businesses, builders, roofers, bricklayers, construction and cleaners. These logos also work well for real estate agents and mortgage brokers.


Mascot Logos

A mascot logo could include a person or character (for example, Service Seeking’s logo or KFC’s logo with Colonel Sanders), an animal (for example, your favorite sports team) or something made-up (for example, the ‘Michelin Man’).


Water Logos

Logo designs with water are an obvious theme for plumber logos. They can also work for cleaning, pool and spa and air conditioning businesses.


Tool Logos

Logos with tools in them are pretty straightforward and generally communicate: “we know how to use these tools” or “we sell this”.


Lightning Bolt Logos

Logo designs with lightning are perfect for electrician businesses or a business trying to communicate “we are fast”. If you’re a sparkie, consider a lightning bolt logo.


Letter Logos

The “AAA” or “A1” business name is a common name used by small tradie businesses. While we’re not advocating for using this in your name, a lettermark logo (a logo with one letter or just a few letters) is often a strong, bold and memorable logo.


Brush Logos

Brush logos (particularly paint brush logos) tell you one thing: we are going to paint stuff.


Clever Logos

If you want to make your logo extra special and unique, consider a clever logo. Clever logos might be funny; they might combine multiple ideas in one logo, or they may use a technique like negative space to make you look twice.



If you need a logo, you have three main options:

  1. Make your own logo online using a logo maker tool
  2. Find a professional logo designer online
  3. Find a local logo designer or design agency