Industry Insights

A checklist when moving homes interstate

Written by Staff Writer | Aug 9, 2013 1:22:05 AM

Before the Move

1. Get rid of your unwanted items. If possible, sell them to gain some extra cash. You could also give unused belongings to family, friends or charities.

2. Start eating the consumable items in your fridge or pantry. They’ll spoil during the lengthy transit, so it is best to get rid of them now instead.

3. Make a complete list of all personal belongings that need to be moved. Do your research on removal firms in your area, especially those with affordable packages and experience in conducting interstate moves.

4. Arrange to have your utilities disconnected in your current home and connected to the house or apartment you’re moving to.

5. Start packing the things you don’t actually use into boxes that are clearly labelled and sorted out into the various rooms they’ll go into.

6. Take out some moving insurance so you’ll be covered if anything happens along the way.

7. Arrange your transport. If driving, check your car is in good condition. If not, book plane, bus or train tickets as necessary.

8. Pay off all outstanding bills for your current place of residence.

During the Move

1. Pack a “moving day” box containing personal items you’ll actually need on the big day. This includes clothes, toiletries, cash and other important items.

2. Label all boxes with your name, new address and contact details. Even the very best removalist in Sydney will need the right information to get your things to their destination on time and get in touch with you if something happens.

3. Scour your old home to make sure you haven’t left anything behind. Don’t forget to look inside the cupboards, in the back garden and in the garage.

4. Make sure your electricity and gas have been switched off. Lock all doors and windows and make sure that everything is secure.

5. At the new home, make sure that everything is clean and ready for your furniture to arrive. Check that all utilities are operational as well.

6. When the moving expert arrives, double-check that all your belongings have arrived and that nothing’s been damaged in transit.

After the Move

1. Repair broken fixtures, replace damaged appliances and deal with any other problems as soon as you can to save you from putting anything off.

2. When unpacking, arrange your large objects first and work your way down to the small items that you own. This will make it easier to fit everything in.

3. Plug in your fridge and stock it up so you have enough food and drink to sustain you while you’re settling into your new home.

4. Notify all the important people of your change in address. This includes everything from driver’s licence details to magazine subscriptions.

5. Take time to familiarise yourself with your new home. Go for a walk or drive to figure out where the closest shops, restaurants, parks, schools and hospitals are so you’re not stuck in a pickle later on.

That’s all there is to it! Go through each of the above matters one by one, and you’ll handle your upcoming interstate move in a simple, easy manner. Getting through this complex process need not be as stressful as you first thought!

Author Bio:

Quick and Easy Removals is a company specialising in moving and relocation. Do you want to know more about booking a removalist in Sydney? Visit