Industry Insights

Asbestos: what is it? -

Written by Staff Writer | Apr 20, 2011 5:39:16 AM

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral fibre that was widely used in building materials up to 1985.

The most commonly found building materials that contain asbestos are asbestos cement products.

Asbestos is a versatile product that withstands erosion, cold, acids, alkalis, electricity, noise, energy loss, vibration, salt water, frost, and dust, and fire and water resistance properties.

All forms of asbestos are classified as human carcinogens (cancer-causing), and exposure can cause asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma.

For this reason, asbestos has been banned nationally since 31st December 2003. Great care must be exercised in the immediate and ongoing management of any products found to contain asbestos.

Identifying asbestos

Asbestos is identified by small bunches of fibres protruding from the matrix in which it is bonded, e.g. fibro sheeting, friable, pipe lagging, etc.

The fibres are usually white (Chrysotile), brown (Amosite), blue (Crocidolite) or a combination of all three.

If you are considering renovating and unsure whether asbestos is present in your home, you should get a sample tested. Tests start from as little as $80. You will receive a NATA-certified report certifying that everything is ay-ok.

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