Business Articles

Cheap web design

Here are some key things you need to know about launching a website for your business.


All eyes on you
The mantra behind success was once, “it’s all about who you know,” but the internet has leveled the playing field and now it’s all about who knows you.

You no longer need a little black book of connections to put your business on the social radar. An eye-catching and well-functioning web design will have all eyes on you and raise awareness of your business and brand. And it doesn’t have to cost a fortune – a cheap web design should be able to get the job done.

Save money to make money
In the digital world your website is the public face of your business but don’t be fooled into thinking you have to spend a small fortune creating one as, “you have to spend money to make money”, is another old adage that no longer applies.
Cheap web designers able to create a standout site for your business are available through Quotes for a basic setup begin at just $15 per hour and increase with detail.It’s a small investment that can pay off in a big way because a cheap web design saves you money during startup, but makes you money in the long run – making it a win-win.

Just a click away
A cheap web design for your company is just a click away and once you go live your business will be at the fingertips of the world. Making your website stand out in a crowded cyberspace, however, takes skill and know-how and with your cheap web design also comes all the tips and tricks needed to get your website filling computer screens everywhere.
Sure, you might have a friend of a friend who knows how to boot up a blog but this is one instance when you don’t want an amateur handling your business as novice techies won’t know the ins and outs of search engines. For example, do you know that Flash isn’t recognised by Google?
A cheap web design won’t put you out of pocket. But because it’s being done by a professional it will raise your profile and get your website seen.

Cheap web design dos and don’ts


  • Hire a professional to create your website. It will ensure you appear professional to potential customers or clients.
  • Get the most for your money. A cheap web design doesn’t mean it has to be without all the bells and whistles.
  • Stick to your budget. The point of a cheap web design is to save money.


  • Trust the livelihood of your business to an amateur web designer.
  • Be tricked into thinking the more you spend on web design the better your website and online success.
  • Miss the opportunity to establish your business online. Cheap web design makes it affordable for all.


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