Industry Insights

Fencing for privacy

Written by Staff Writer | Aug 15, 2013 2:29:40 AM

It’s not unusual to crave privacy when you are in your own home. But how do you balance that need with not feeling closed in by walls and fences? Here are some excellent options for gaining privacy without the sense of being in prison.

Why are privacy fences needed?

People want privacy fences for different reasons. Those who live on high-traffic roads or footpaths may prefer not to have their outdoor areas open to public view. If neighbouring homes are very close together, it’s easy to feel exposed when outside and even inside your home. Sometimes, you just need to feel total privacy after a busy day at work before you can relax.

What do I need in privacy fencing?

This basically means having a fence that people cannot see through or over. Therefore, it needs to be maybe a little taller than an average person. On the other hand, you certainly don’t want to feel like you are in some sort of detention just to get some privacy. A fence that provides the privacy you want shouldn’t be unattractive. Look for materials and styles that are not too imposing and complement your house and your gardens.

So, what are my options if I want privacy fencing?

Garden hedges have done a wonderful job of providing privacy for a long time, but now there are some very interesting and attractive plants to choose from. Clumping bamboo and murraya are just some of the many good choices for a hedge.

Another classic solution is a timber fence, either constructed with panels or with palings. These days, a Colorbond fence is a very popular choice because it takes little maintenance, looks modern and is available in many colours. Perhaps vinyl or PVC fencing is a perfect solution. It can be made to look like wood, but it needs less upkeep.

Do some research on the many materials available to create privacy with a fence. When you are ready to build your privacy fence, try to get some quotes from local fencing professionals.