
How can I find fencing work online?

The 21st century is a great time to be alive. Opportunities to make money abound thanks to the exchange of goods, services, payments and even information on the virtual market. This new system of trade, known as electronic commerce, continues to evolve making products and services easy to discover. Independent contractors such as yourself have […]


The 21st century is a great time to be alive. Opportunities to make money abound thanks to the exchange of goods, services, payments and even information on the virtual market.

This new system of trade, known as electronic commerce, continues to evolve, making products and services easy to discover.

Independent contractors such as yourself have a great chance of being located by prospective clients without spending obscene amounts of cash on marketing.

There are many ways to find fencing work online; you just have to know where to look. This article will show you how you can grab these opportunities and ways to make yourself discoverable.

Here’s How to Get Fencing Work Online

List Your Business Online

Prospects use credible online business directories to get verified products and services.

Your prospects are more likely to find you if you list your business in directories that they visit the most.

Did you know that Service Seeking is the best way to grow your fencing business in Australia?

Three million ready-to-hire Australian customers have visited and recruited contractors from the site so far.

You can send as many tailored quotes as you wish without paying for leads or commissions.

Service Seeking Australia won’t demand a piece of the cake, so you get to keep the full amount paid by your customers.

Have a Social Media Presence

Social Media Icon

Image from Pexels by Pixabay

Social media is a great way to demonstrate your expertise, make connections with prospects and expand your influence.

Customers want to engage with you and know your values. They’d like you to respond to their questions and thank them for sharing your content.

They eventually become attached to you as you nurture that relationship, which keeps you on top of mind the next time they’re looking for a fence expert.

They’re also more likely to tell their networks about your services anytime someone looks for recommendations on social media.

Show that you’re an expert by sharing fencing-related links and trends from your industry.

Google Alerts can send you emails about what’s new in the market and what your competitors are up to and even help you check out mentions of your brand over a period of time.

The social media channel you choose depends on your target audience. You want to find your clients in the places that they frequent.

If the majority of your target customers use Instagram, create a business profile on that channel.

Next, create content that addresses your target customer’s fencing needs and pain points.

Make sure that you include a compelling call to action for every post that you create on social media to lead the customer to the next stage of their buyer journey.

For example, if you put up an image on your social media feed about a glass pool fence you’ve just erected, use a CTA (Call-To-Action) to lead the customer to your Messenger inbox, contact information, website or online portfolio where they can learn more about your services.

Join an online community interested in your industry and engage with its members.

Every time you post on the group or hashtag community, members can look you up and see the remarkable content on your timeline.

Self-promotion is frowned upon in closed internet groups, so your posts and comments should be thoughtful and beneficial to the needs of the group.

Utilise Online Ads

Each social media channel offers options for advertising, and you don’t even have to be an expert to craft your first ad.

Social media platforms guide you step by step and have forums where you can ask for help if you get stuck.

With online ads, you can target specific segments of your fencing customers based on their demographics and income levels.

You can then monitor performance and ad spend on insights and adjust the adverts as you see fit.

Create an Online Portfolio of Your Work

An online fencing portfolio gives your target customers an idea of what you’re capable of.

Include high-quality visuals, your logo and tagline, customer testimonials, call to action and contacts.

You can also ask previous customers to give you a rating or review on your social media pages after the work is done to increase your social proof.

Collaborate with Other Contractors

Consider partnering with other online contractors in the construction industry.

Reach out to electricians, builders, painters and roofers to refer you to their customers.

This scratch my back I scratch yours strategy will create an ecosystem for the exchange of ideas among you making your business soar to greater heights.

Use a Branded Email Signature

Market yourself to people you’re in daily contact with by using a branded email signature, complete with links to your social media pages.

You can also include a short bio to summarise what your fencing business will do for prospective clients.

What to Consider When Looking for Fencing Work Online

Define Your Online Buyer Persona

Determine who they are, where they live, what their interests, needs, and income levels are, and what channels they use on social media.

If they visit YouTube for DIY fencing videos, you can create your own channel and share the same.

Do they spend a lot of time on Twitter? Participate in fencing-specific hashtags.

Remember, online customers don’t care how skilled you are until they know how much you care about their fencing needs.

Bear the customer’s struggles in mind and craft solutions to their problems.

Identify Your Niche

Here’s how to charge more and stand out from other fencers: Pick out your niche.

Your work will be unique, and a prospect will always choose a specialist over a generalist to accomplish the task.

Please do extensive research beforehand to determine whether there is demand for your niche services.

Create a Rate Card for Your Fencing Work

Determine how much you’re going to charge for each service by checking your labour, material and equipment costs.

Next, craft a quote that includes:

  • Your company name
  • Quote validity period (if your prices fluctuate over time)
  • Work schedule (per hour fees)
  • Line items (all products and materials to be used in the project)

Be wary of your profit margin. If it’s too high, you might discourage your prospects, and if it’s too low, you’ll be put out of business.

A thorough quote shows the client that you’re attentive to detail and builds trust.

Observe Internet Etiquette

Don’t spam your followers, as this will overwhelm them and make them opt out of your subscriber list or social pages.

No one wants to view images, shares, likes and retweets from only one account when they’re scrolling through their timeline.

Steer clear of religion, politics and hate speech. Your prospects have different orientations and religious and political views and broadcasting your beliefs will alienate some of them.

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