
Pool fencing: How it keeps your bub safe

Aside from constant supervision, pool fencing is one of the best ways to keep your child out of harm's way.


Aside from constant supervision, pool fencing is one of the best ways to keep your child out of harm’s way.

Child drowning in backyard swimming pools occurs because of inadequately fenced pools or human error (leaving the gate open or neglected fences.)

Pool fencing is a must because it physically prevents kids from reaching the pool and falling in. The fence should be strong enough to prevent a young child from going over, under, or through it to get to the pool. All fences and gates should be at least 1.2 metres high. Vertical slats should be less than four centimetres apart so that small children cannot squeeze through. There should be no handholds or footholds on which the youngster can climb.


A self-closing and self-latching gate is the best option, so the gate doesn’t accidentally remain open. It should swing outward from the pool area, and the latches should be child-proof and installed on the poolside of the gate. The slats on the pool gate should be close together so small hands can’t reach in between them. It’s also important that the gate remains shut and locked all the time.

Make regular safety checks

Have your fence built by a reputable fencing company to ensure that it’s top quality. You should also make regular checks for sturdiness. All latches, screws and brackets should be tested from time to time to make sure that they’re working properly. It would also be a good idea to periodically measure the space underneath the fence to see that it hasn’t eroded and that there’s no space for your child to crawl through.

Having a pool is a big responsibility, especially when you have young kids romping about. By following these tips, you and your kids can enjoy the pool without compromising their safety.

If you’re looking to install pool fencing, get the help of the experts. Post your job to get free quotes today.

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