Positive reviews are your best friend on ServiceSeeking, so it’s important to know how they work and what procedures to follow when you’re unsatisfied with a customer’s feedback. On the other hand, ServiceSeeking is a democratic platform so we also give customers the right to report a business if they have a negative experience. Here’s a rundown of everything you need to know:
When you send a quote and complete a job for a customer, they have the option to leave you a star rating.
External reviews are those posted by customers outside of ServiceSeeking. These users only have the option to leave a 5 star rating for your business.
Once a negative review is approved, ServiceSeeking will send you an automated email to ‘Have Your Say’. You can reply to this email with your side of the story and if appropriate, provide us with any proof/documentation that the comment is false. Our team will then review the customer’s comment and decide whether it should be removed from your business profile.
Once a customer posts negative feedback, ServiceSeeking will automatically send then an email confirming that their review is approved. If they need further help or would like to lodge a complaint against your business, they can reply to this email for our team to follow up.
Our authority as a website is limited, and we can’t force businesses to complete the job or process refunds. We can choose who we allow on the site (by banning users), but can can’t take any legal action on behalf of businesses or customers.
If you have a complaint that you would like to take further, we strongly recommend getting in touch with your local court (Fair Trading or Consumer Affairs)
Service Seeking make a considerable investment in staff and technology to help answer customer support questions and respond to complaints. Our staff will endeavour to process questions or complaints from registered users of the website according to the following policy:
Service Seeking will use reasonable endeavours to mediate any dispute concerning the use by parties of the website.
Disputes in relation to the actual services carried out by a business or any other issue will be referred, where appropriate, to external dispute resolution services or authorities.
Business users of the website may have their access to the website and Service Seeking services suspended for any length of time for any breach of the Terms and Conditions, as well as, but not limited to, any of the following reasons: