Industry Insights

Summer pests to keep an eye out for

Written by Staff Writer | Jan 10, 2017 11:44:38 AM

Are pests taking over your home as the weather heats up? Despite being annoying and unsightly, common pests can actually cost you real money and even be dangerous for your family.

With help from Trent from Pest and Tree Solutions Pty Ltd, we’ve put together a list of the bugs you should keep a careful watch out for this summer.


Spiders can be a huge problem in the summer – and they can also be dangerous, especially if you have little children. The three most common dangerous summer spiders are the Redback, White Tailed and Black House spiders. All three can do some serious harm, and it’s best to have your house sprayed to prevent any injuries.


With the warmer weather, termites can emerge from the ground and be a particularly nasty problem during summer, according to Trent.

And having your house professionally sprayed against termites is the best solution. Often, DIY pest removal products won’t fix the problem.

“Products that you buy in the shops aren’t as good as what the professionals use. Often if you’ve got a big job or you want it done right, getting the professionals out is the best idea;  they’re the people who know what they’re doing,” says Trent.


Ants love the summer heat. I especially love swarming your house and infesting the food in your pantry that isn’t adequately sealed. Trent recommends storing your food correctly to minimise the damage. If the ants aren’t really bothering you, there are also many DIY pest control products on the market. If the infestation is more serious, it is best to call in an expert.


Cockroaches can be particularly prevalent in the summer. Cockroaches thrive on heat and humidity, so expect to see your home or office crawling with them this summer.

Not only are they annoying, but they can also carry disease. Buying DIY pest spray is definitely the first line of defence, but if the problem persists, call in an expert.

To find pest controllers in your local area, look here.