Timber floors add value
New international research shows timber floors can increase the value of your home. Here's what we found out.

Please note that price information in this article was based on data from 2010 and may now be outdated.
New international research shows timber floors can increase the value of your home.
The results of the US research illustrate a significant increase in the popularity of installing hardwood timber floors in residential properties for this reason.
According to the survey, 75% of US real estate agents and brokers said hardwood floors influenced a home’s saleability to a great extent – compared to 44% in a previous survey, and 90% said homes with hardwood floors would sell for more money – as opposed to 58% in the earlier survey.
Pure aesthetics, environmental sustainability, durability, easy cleaning and maintenance and health concerns were cited as the most prominent reasons US real estate agents and brokers gave for the increased value attached to timber floors.
A similar pattern has evolved in the Australian timber flooring industry. As a nation we are typically quick to latch on to global design trends – the growing popularity of timber floors is the perfect example of this.
Timber floors are fast becoming the favoured flooring option for Australian homeowners considering the long-term value of their property. Many local flooring companies have seen an increase in the number of customers wanting to install timber floors, with most driven by their desire to improve the value of their home.
Adding a warm, modern touch to any interior, there’s no doubting that timber floors are a definite asset – in every sense of the word.