Bathroom Renovations

Tips and tricks to have a maintenance free bathroom

Maintenance-free bathroom? Here are some proven tips and tricks for those who are looking for ways to ease up on the cleaning.


Maintenance-free bathroom? Now, that’s something worth considering. However, let’s be realistic: there will always be a certain amount of maintenance needed in your bathroom. But take heart, there are ways to lessen the burden.

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Here are some tips and tricks to have an almost maintenance-free bathroom:

Choose your colours wisely

Sure, white-coloured walls look fresh when newly painted. Then life happens, and your pristine white walls are dotted with soap scum and ugly dark stains. Instead of using white, why not go for greys or dark beige that will help disguise the stains and not highlight them? If you still like the look of white, opt for hard-wearing paint that’s specially made for kitchens and bathrooms. These premium paints come with anti-mould and anti-bacterial warranties, perfect for a less-maintenance bathroom.

Opt for low-maintenance materials

When choosing a material for your bathroom floors and walls, pick out the ones that are low-maintenance and easy to clean, such as porcelain and ceramic tiles. If you hate cleaning glass, just use a shower curtain. All you need to do is toss it in the washer once it gets dirty and hang it to dry.

Just say no to grout

Scrubbing grout lines is one of the most time-consuming chores done when cleaning a bathroom. It’s also one of the least favourite bathroom chores. The alternative? Use solid surface choices such as stone slabs, vinyl wall coverings, or paint for your walls. If you can’t take out all the grouting, then at least reduce the number. By using large format tiles, you can lessen the number of lines plus the number of times that you have to clean them. For less mould and mildew, choose a grout material with anti-bacterial properties.

Skip the glass

Did you know that by skipping on glass enclosures, you’ll shorten the amount of time needed to clean your bathroom? Glass shower doors and aluminium frames are a magnet for yucky scum and gunk. Skip the glass and opt for shower curtains, as stated above. If not, then there are coating options available for glass that help repel water and soap scum.

Get your toilet off the floor

Wall-mounted toilets are generally easier to maintain than traditional ones. Imagine no more getting on your hands and knees just to scrub those hard-to-reach areas around your toilet. On that note, you might want to wall-mount your bathroom sink and tap as well.

By implementing these design choices, you can have a beautiful bathroom yet greatly reduce the amount of time needed to maintain it.

For more design options, our registered bathroom experts are ready to send their free quotes. All you need to do is post your job.


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