
How much does it cost to install smoke alarms? -

Written by Staff Writer | Apr 7, 2017 11:17:44 AM

Please note that price information in this article was based on data from 2017, and may now be outdated. 

Smoke alarms are an essential component of the family household- keeping you safe from disaster. Whilst this should be motivation enough, smoke alarms are also required by law in most Australian states.

Smoke detectors can cost as little as $10 per unit, but can range up to around $100 for the upper end of the market.  The bulk of the cost comes from hiring an electrician to install, at an average of $50/hr. However, the costs can vary, meaning the smoke alarm installer may charge anywhere between $45/hr and $60/hr for their services.

Keep in mind that these prices are approximates and are for labour only.

Residential smoke alarms are generally either ionisation or photoelectric sensors, detecting distinctly different types of fires.

Ionisation smoke detectors are most commonly used in kitchens, and is the most effective in quickly detecting the small amounts of smoke produced by fast flaming fires. For this reason, they’re often easily tipped by burning toast, leaving many prone to disabling the alarm.

Photoelectric smoke detectors contain a light-sensitive electric sensor. When smoke enters the chamber, light is scattered, hitting the sensor and triggering the alarm. These detectors are effective in responding to a fire in its early stages, before the source bursts into flames.

Duel sensors include both ionisation and photoelectric sensors, and are the most effective detector of a broad range of fires.

There are other factors that should be taken into consideration, including alarms that are designed for people with hearing disabilities, such as Visual Signal Alarms.

Cost determinant: Type and number of alarms 

The type of alarm, number you are installing, and the size and layout of your home, will affect the total cost of the job.

Installing alarms in a family home may be more expensive, as homes age, and connectivity may vary. The average price of home installation sits at around $130 per job. 

The average price of apartment installation sits at around $110 per job. 

It’s important to speak to your electrician or handyman about how many alarms your home requires, as they will be able to assess your house in relation to current safety standards.

Pricing information correct as at April 2017.

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