Household Tips and Improvements

Tips and Tricks on Carpet Cleaning

There are many ways to keep your carpet in tiptop condition. Here are some tips and tricks on carpet cleaning.


Carpets can make your home feel cosier and look more charming. But they also tend to require high maintenance because dirt gets easily absorbed, causing an unattractive appearance. Here are some tips and tricks to help you with your carpet troubles.

Vacuum regularly.

Purchase a piece of trusty equipment so you can regularly vacuum your carpet. This simple task of cleaning your carpet can go a long way, as it prevents unwanted particles from building up and resulting in stubborn stains. A vacuum cleaner is also especially handy if you have light-coloured carpets where your kids or pets love to play.

Additionally, don’t forget to clean the bag or filter before using your vacuum cleaner. If these components are filthy, your cleaning machine will fail to work properly.

Find out your carpet material.

There are different ways of cleaning carpets, but the best method depends on the material of your carpet. For instance, if you have a wool carpet, you cannot use bleach and heated products or equipment. Once you’ve determined the type of material, you should start looking for a reliable cleaning solution.

Test your carpet for colourfastness.

Cleaning products often promise ultimate effectiveness, but some of these products can make your carpet bleed or fade. To avoid losing your carpet’s rich colours, test the products you’re planning to use and find out if your carpet is colourfast.

You can do this by dampening a cloth with the cleaner of your choice and leaving this cloth on your carpet for about an hour. Afterwards, blot the wet spot with a dry white cloth. If you find a stain on the cloth, this means the cleaning product is not suited to your carpet material.

Hire professional carpet cleaners.

If you don’t want to deal with the hassles of cleaning your carpet and risk damaging it, you can simply hire professional carpet cleaning services. You may opt for steam cleaning or dry extraction cleaning. The former is also referred to as ‘hot water extraction,’ and it’s commonly used for synthetic carpets. This method does not involve actual steam, but it’s proven to cleanse deeply without leaving soap residue.

When enlisting the help of professional carpet cleaners, make sure they are qualified and experienced in doing this task. They should also have reliable equipment and safe and effective products. Find out if they have insurance as well. This will be very helpful when an untoward incident occurs.

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